If you’re trying to choose between frontend and backend development or you want to know why you’re having a hard time, then you’re in the right place. Nobody ever said web development was easy, but the creativity and satisfaction of a completed job on either end is well worth the time investment.
Frontend web development is harder than backend because it changes more often, and the results take longer to achieve. However, it depends on your skillset. Both of them could be easier or harder than the other, depending on what you’re able to do and which tools you use.
Throughout this article, you’ll also learn the following information about the challenges of frontend and backend web development:
- The various difficulties of frontend development
- Why you might find backend development more challenging
- Which of the two is harder than the other
What’s Difficult About Frontend Development?
Frontend web development is generally believed to be more difficult, but that’s not always the case. There are a few easy tasks, and some jobs simply don’t require as much work. However, it’s important to view the job as a ‘start to finish’ situation in every scenario rather than cutting corners or hoping for reduced work.
Here are five difficulties of front end development:
- As mentioned by RealMensch, frontend development often requires far more tasks to be completed. It’s far from an easy job in the sense that there’s always something to do. Updates, UI changes, or requests from clients can require you to jump back onto a task that you thought you already finished.
- Frontend development is more about the design aspect of the webpage. If you’re creative, then this issue might actually be a massive benefit. Many people who start off as a backend developer often switch to the frontend for the creative side of the content. However, keep in mind that it’s still more tasking.
- Most of the complaints from companies and other clients go to the frontend developer. Why? Because they’re in charge of the physical appearance of the website. If anything doesn’t work, an uneducated company might call you out for something that doesn’t work, even if it’s at the fault of the backend.
- Small tweaks on the frontend can send drastic changes throughout the website. If you mess something up in the UI, then you could end up making different icons and designs that lose their purpose. As long as you’re well-informed and trained, then there’s no question that most UI mistakes are avoidable.
- Frontend web developers should have plenty of experience using various tools and frameworks. If you’re not interested in coding, then this issue can be a huge turn-off for the front side of the operations. Furthermore, many companies prefer frontend web developers to have a college degree.
As you can see, frontend web development will never be described as simple or easy. It involves constant work and attention to minute details that others might not see as important. If you’re good at coding and you enjoy long-term progress, then you’ll love frontend web development.
If you want to know about the challenges involved in backend development, read on.
Why Is Backend Development Challenging?
Backend development might often be thought of as the easier side of the operation. That being said, it has its own plethora of challenges. You’ll learn more about which of the two is difficult since it’s subjective. Let’s break down the differences problems you might have to face as a backend developer below.
- As mentioned by the web development community on Reddit, backend development doesn’t show visual progress very quickly. This aspect might be discouraging because it feels as if you’re not producing any results. If you’re able to focus on the numbers rather than the looks, you’ll be able to stay motivated.
- The boot camp for backend web development is difficult and it takes a while to learn. If you don’t know anything about web development, then you’re going to feel overwhelmed very quickly. It requires close attention to detail since one minor alteration can ruin the entire function of a website.
- Backend development is always changing. You’ll have to keep up with trends, tactics, new programs, and information provided by clients. It’s not too difficult in the sense that it’s all very similar, but it’s critical that you know everything about the industry. Consistent studying is an absolute must for backend developers.
- Another issue is that backend development requires a lot more knowledge of math and other studies. You need to know how to create algorithms and work with pre-existing applications. If you’re not good with mathematics, then you’ll lose focus quickly. There are plenty of programs that provided useful tools for math, though.
- Backend web development gets even harder as the website grows. If you’re developing a forum or large social media platform, then you’ll have to do far more work than many of the frontend developers might have to. This detail is relative since some websites are more detailed in their appearance than the actual functionality.
While backend is often smooth and statistically-motivated, it’s easy to see how a few mistakes might make things get out of hand very quickly. Again, one side might be harder than the other. Your personal skill set matters far more than the back and forth chatter between both sides of the industry.
Is Backend or Frontend Web Development More Challenging?
Now that you’ve seen the challenges presented by frontend and backend web development, it’s time to figure out which one will be easier for you. Not everyone is great at both of them, but there’s a chance that you might be able to dabble on both sides of the business. Use the questions below to figure out which one you should try.
Do You Think With Creativity or Statistics?
If you’re someone who loves seeing a new website come to life, then you’ll be better at frontend web development. However, if you’re always thinking in terms of statistics and underlying details, then the backend of the operation will be easier.
Are You Good at Learning new technologies?
Both sides use different tools and technologies, but frontend developers are often required to use know a vast amount of frameworks and tools to get the job done. They also generally need more college-level experience, so that may or may not be an issue for your situation. There’s always the option of online boot camp courses for both jobs.
Is Income an Issue?
Contrary to popular belief, frontend and backend developers both make very close to the same income. Career Karma shows us that frontend developers usually make about $76,000 per year, which is only a bit more than the average of $75,000 per year of a backend web developer. Needless to say, the similarity in income means that it shouldn’t be a deciding factor.
Developing web pages requires hard-working, creative, intelligent, and motivated developers. Backend and frontend developers both build integral pieces of the puzzle, creating high-quality websites. By choosing the one that best fits your skill set, you’ll be able to contribute the top results.
Here’s a quick recap of the post:
- Web development is a difficult, rewarding job for backend and frontend developers.
- Most workers believe that frontend development is more difficult than backend.
- Those who think creatively should choose frontend work.
- People who think statistically will work better on the backend.
- You can educate yourself in both fields to figure out which works best for you.
- You’ll need to know how to code on frontend and backend development.