Why Do Programmers Use Multiple Monitors?

Computer programmers are responsible for creating and developing computer software and have many computer needs. They must run programs, refer to online references, and have text editors open to view code and a working product on-screen, but why do they use multiple monitors?

Programmers use multiple monitors to organize their work because it requires their full attention. They must reference numerous sources of information, run various programs, and work with several different windows simultaneously. Multiple monitors make this process more efficient.

Read on to learn more about what computer programmers do and why they need multiple monitors and what the best monitors to use are and how to install them. 

What Do Programmers Do?

Computer programmers write codes that can run programs and applications on computers and mobile devices. They are responsible for creating the software that we depend upon every day. Many programmers work as web developers, creating and maintaining websites and mobile applications. However, programming skills are essential for many jobs in technology.

Programmers are responsible for creating new computer programs and interfaces, as well as maintaining existing programs. They must understand complex coding techniques and be able to solve difficult logical problems and troubleshoot any errors that arise. A developer needs to analyze and diagnose the cause of a problem.

Programmers may also be asked to translate code into readable forms by alternate operating systems, like converting a Windows program to a version that can run on a Mac, or rewriting code in another coding language for another reason. 

Additionally, programmers are asked to be cybersecurity experts, fixing software that leaves site owners vulnerable to malicious software and other threats. Their code should always minimize this risk, but it’s also important to find and fix these vulnerabilities in the existing code.


Programmers use documentation to learn how to fix new problems and build new technologies. Essentially, documentation is a set of guides or instructions written by other developers and engineers as guidance for how to use a particular technology or language. Programmers may use documentation when learning something new or as a daily reference. 

Understanding how to find and use high-quality documentation is essential for any programmer. Good documentation should be recent, hold up to industry standards, and come from a reputable source. 

Developers will often reference documentation while they work, so it’s necessary to have an internet connection and a workspace with enough room to support both these references and the work itself. It’s also important for a developer to be able to understand which documentation is official and from a reputable source and what is not.

Jobs That Require Computer Programming

In addition to web development, many professions in technology require programming skills, and the computer needs that come along with them. The following is a non-exhaustive list of professionals who make use of computer programming skills:

  • Computer Systems Analysts
  • Database Administrators
  • Security Analysts
  • Software Developers
  • Software Engineers
  • IT Managers

Programmers work in many different fields, including finance, healthcare, and digital marketing. The demand for their work is increasing rapidly as the need for technological expertise increases in these and other fields. 

Although most programmers can enter the field and advance with just a bachelor’s degree, an advanced degree is recommended for those looking to hold a management or leadership position.

Computer Requirements for Programming

A programmer’s work is based on computers, done on computers, and done for computers. Therefore, any programmers new to the field need to understand how they’ll use the computer to know how they’ll need to set up their workspace.


A programmer’s computer needs to be equipped with enough memory to run the programs they need and run quickly without crashing. Although the average user might run a computer with 8GB of memory, a programmer would ideally have somewhere between 16GB and 32GB of memory.


Web developers will often use a virtual environment for programming, meaning a second copy of the site or application you’re working on that runs only on your computer, not on a live site anywhere. This allows developers to do work without pushing changes to the live site until the finished product is ready.

These virtual environments require multiple programs to run, depending on what kind of software and operating system is being used. 

Programmers will also use a text editor to write and edit their code, whether or not they’re working within a virtual environment. This means that a programmer likely has several programs and applications running at any given time. 

High-Speed Internet

A high-speed internet connection is essential for computer programmers because they need to quickly access a lot of information while working and need to run multiple computer applications at once, some of which require an internet connection to operate.

Programmers also need to download and upload information to the internet quickly. Having a high-speed connection is important for them to access others’ work or install new software from the internet, or to be able to upload a finished product. 

Dual Monitor Setups

According to recent research, having more screen space can make you more productive, no matter what field you’re in. However, the benefits of having more screen space vary across professions, according to how you need to use your screen. 

Programming and professional video editing are among the professions that most often require a dual monitor setup, due to the nature of the programs they need to use. Dual monitors are key when your work requires you to run multiple programs or reference different information sources at once. 

Dual monitors save time and headache by allowing you to keep referential information separate from your primary workspace, preventing you from needing to excessively resize windows or switch between active tabs. 

Best Computer Monitors for a Second Screen

We all have different needs regarding computer monitors, but there are some basic guidelines to consider before investing in a second monitor. For example, a wide aspect ratio and HD display will ensure that you have good image quality. However, if you are a photo editor or other professional who needs very high-definition features, you’ll need additional research.

Gaming may also require special consideration since it requires very fast video streaming and response time. You can usually find this with a high-quality graphics card that comes with high refresh rates. 

No matter what your monitor needs are, be sure that your connecting computer has the appropriate ports to support the new monitor before purchasing it.

Some of the most highly rated monitors for a dual monitor setup for computer work are the Dell Ultrasharp 27-Inch Monitor and the HP Business 27-Inch. However, you can save money by going with the ViewSonic 22-Inch Monitor, designed for gaming. 

How to Install a Second Monitor

Installing a second monitor should be a simple process, provided that you’ve carefully checked the product specifications of your new monitor before purchasing. You should make sure that your computer has the appropriate kind of port for your new monitor’s cables, and that you purchase any necessary cables that are not included with the monitor.

Most monitors will plug into a DisplayPort, DVI, or HDMI port, or plugged in through a third-party adapter. For help identifying these different ports and plugs, see the following video:



Computer programmers need a lot of screen space to do their work because they use many different programs at once and often need to reference documentation. Because they need to reference many of these things simultaneously, they often do best with a multiple monitor setup.

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